All Songs list
The All Songs list displays all the songs available on the server, with sorting options.
Queueing a Song
Once you queue a song, you get a notification along the top of the window.
The options menu controls what you get nitifications for in-game, as well as interface language.
Add a Song - Manual
The old way of adding songs, with automatic URL detection and length checks from YouTube API.
Add a Song - Search
The quicker way to add songs. Quickly search YouTube from within the app and add anything you want.
Add a Song - Auto Complete
When using the search function, song name , artist and duration are automatically entered for you.
Once a song has been requested, it awaits admin approval within the Requests tab.
Updating Songs
All songs can be updated easily from a popup menu accessible from the All Songs list.
All Songs searching
The All Songs list has a few ways to browse, including sorting by artist/song name starting letter and search.